THE Hoover Forum Rules
THE Hoover forum was created because many of us became tired of the constant censoring of our posts on . Every time a good topic would start, it would get erased by the administrators. We felt that our free speech was being trampled on. So we created this site. Keep in mind that we have to cover our rear ends, so we cannot provide a place for people to post things that are not covered by the 1st Amendment. Thus, with that in mind, we had to create some rules. We have seen some sites that really allow a lot of levity in what people post. The assumption is that if they can do it and be successful, so can we. So we contacted them, asked them if we could use their rules, modified them to bear our name and posted them below. Live by them. We should have a good time if you do. So, without any further delay, here they are. Take five minutes to read them:
You agree, through your use of THE Hoover Forum, that you will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually-oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of ANY law. You also agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or you have consent from the owner of the copyrighted material. Spam, flooding, advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are also inappropriate to THE Hoover Forum.
Note that it is impossible for us to confirm the validity of posts on THE Hoover Forum. Please remember that we do not actively monitor the posted messages and are not responsible for their content. We do not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information presented. The messages express the views of the author, not necessarily the views of THE Hoover Forum. Anyone who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to notify an administrator of this forum immediately. We have the right to remove objectionable content, within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary. This is a manual process, however, so please realize that we may not be able to remove or edit particular messages immediately. This policy applies to member profile information as well.
You remain solely responsible for the content of your messages, and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless this forum, and any related websites to this forum. We at THE Hoover Forum also reserve the right to reveal your identity (or any information we have about you) in the event of a complaint or legal action arising from any information posted by you. You have the ability, as you register, to choose your username. We advise that you keep the name appropriate. With this user account you are about to register, you agree to never give your password to another member, for your protection and for validity reasons. You also agree to NEVER use another member's account to post messages or browse this forum. After you register and log into THE Hoover Forum , you can fill out a detailed profile. It is your responsibility to present clean and accurate information. Any information we deem inaccurate or vulgar will be removed.
Please note that with each post, your IP address is recorded, in the event that you need to be banned from THE Hoover Forum or your ISP contacted. This will only happen in the event of a major violation of this agreement.
The long version:
Posting Rules
What are the posting rules?
THE Hoover Forum is like a big gathering of people discussing issues that are important to them. Gatherings need to have a few rules to make sure that nobody gets badly hurt or has to call the cops. Being cool about it and following the house rules makes it more fun for everyone involved. We don't mind if you’re passionate about a topic- chances are we're just as passionate if not more so - but we do mind if you start breaking the furniture and picking fights.
If you don't follow the house rules, we'll ask you to leave for a little bit. Feedback to the Admin is there to help work it out with you. Following this one suggestion will help the process out immensely: Be polite. Write a draft letter to get the frustration out of the way first. Then write a second letter explaining what happened and send that one instead. The person in the position to help with an issue is more likely to do so if they aren't abused. Chances are that whatever went wrong can be righted, so keep that in mind during correspondence.
It does need to be said that repeated and extreme violations of THE Hoover Forum's posting rules will result in a permanent posting ban. We don't want to ban users from participating on the site - but it can and will happen if we have to. A site ban is 100% avoidable by following some simple rules. Remember that these rules are non-negotiable and the Administrator will not embark on a protracted debate over so-called grey areas. These rules apply to topics AND user profiles as well. To that end, here they are:
• Don't repost deleted content/topics. We deleted them for a reason.
• Don't post NSFW (Not Safe For Work) links or unlabeled NSFW links.
• Don't post graphic images or links to graphic content.
• Don't post repetitively.
• Don't threadjack.
• Don't encourage others to perform illegal acts.
• Don't post hate speech.
• Don't post broken images/links.
• Don't post private/contact information no matter how easily obtained.
• Don't troll/harass other forum users.
• Don't troll/harass THE Hoover Forum or its maintainers.
• Don't discuss bans in the threads.
• Don't try to make the thread discussions all about you
• Don't attempt to hack, flood, DoS, DDoS, or otherwise compromise THE Hoover Forum.
• Don't abuse the submission queue.
These rules are basic, common sense stuff. The following list is the longer version which is boring and detailed because people we ban ask us to make it this way. To reiterate, the Administrator will not enter a protracted debate over these rules. If a particular item isn't explicitly listed in excruciating detail here, it still falls under the general "don't be a jerk" rule.
Currently, we don’t allow posting of images, but that may change in the future. Images that are "not safe for work" ("NSFW") in the average professional workplace. If your post (be it image and/or text) is deemed graphic by a Moderator, then it is indeed graphic. This is not a decision open to debate. This includes, but isn't necessarily limited to, the following categories:
• Nudity, partial nudity, or adult content: Naked people aren't safe for work in the average American workplace. Exposed genitalia (including ones visible through material) aren't permitted. Remember, an image doesn't have to contain complete nudity for it to be out of place at the office. A good reference point is the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition. It's not nudity, but it is a great deal of exposed skin and minimal fabric covering that most workplaces frown upon. Anything you see in the Swimsuit Edition shouldn't be posted inline. A more general reference point for the would be to think about what you wouldn't want your boss to find in your browser cache.
• Graphic image content: Images that would make most viewers feel ill, upset, or uncomfortable. This includes but is not limited to: cadavers, autopsies, surgeries, vomiting, severed limbs, alarming deformities, dead animals, extreme body modifications, torture, and bodily functions are not to be posted in the threads. Images that depict graphic content will be deleted. Images containing child pornography will be reported to the appropriate local and Federal law enforcement agencies. The use of images depicting well-known tragedies such as 9/11 is not forbidden - but is generally frowned upon. Images which depict people actually dying (falling to their death, being killed in various ways - e.g. shot, maimed/tortured, etc.) should never be posted or linked to. The same holds true for such images involving animals.
• Graphic text comments: Graphic language is not allowed. Use common sense and be polite. You never know who’s mom might be looking at this.
• Borderline Image Posts: If you're posting an image and you're not quite sure whether it falls under the "safe" category or not, we strongly recommend reviewing this FAQ first. If you still aren't sure, ask the Administrator.
• Image Control: Make sure that any images that you post are under your explicit control. Linking an image from another site that is not under your control can often result in that site changing the contents of what you linked. Sometimes the owner of that site is not particularly nice and will change the image to something that violates THE Hoover Forum’s posting guidelines. If you choose to hyperlink an image, you do so at your own risk to your account. By hitting the post button, you are warranting that you have permission to post an image, even if it is subject to copyright protection. If you submit an image that is later determined to be a copyright infringement, it will be removed. While THE Hoover Forum is the legal owner of all copyrights in content on this site, we will comply with any lawful demands related to all copyrighted work. If that image is illegal (e.g. child porn), THE Hoover Forum will report it and comply with any resulting investigation conducted by State and/or
Federal law enforcement agencies.
Aside from "not safe for work" posts, the following are also unacceptable:
• Reposting something that was deleted: Posts (and links/threads) are removed for a reason. Reposting a deleted post, complaining about it in the thread, spamming the queue about it, or belaboring the point will result in action being taken. Reposting a deleted inline image as a link instead is generally acceptable as long as it falls within the posting rules. Posting or submitting links on behalf of someone else that was banned will in turn earn you a ban as well. The shorter answer is: Don't do it. Now, you say, “Hey! That’s what was doing and that’s why we’re here, because we didn’t like being censored”. If we remove something, it really has to cross a very broad line. We’ll give you as much rope as you need to hang yourself, but if we warrant something to be not appropriate, it’s gone.
• Repetitive messages: Cross-posting, flooding, spamming, advertising for a website, etc. If there's a website out there that people need really need to see - or if you would like more exposure for your own – please sign up to be an advertiser (and gird your servers for the incoming traffic). In addition, including a sig file in your posts or a link to your site/blog/freeiPod referral page is also considered spamming, and comments containing them will be deleted. Using bots to post comments will result in a ban.
• Threadjacking and disruptions: Posts like 50 lines of the letter "Z," pictures that have nothing to do with the thread's article, "First Post," "who cares," "THE Hoover Forum sucks," posts that are unrelated to the thread topic, complaints about link quality, off-topic discussions, repeated filter evasion attempts, ban talk, and trolling (see below).
• Messages exhorting others to commit illegal acts: Murder, extortion, and any other misdemeanor or felony are expressly forbidden, especially threats on public officials. Don't even imply it. DoS attacks, hacking, flooding, and all other related computer crimes will be dealt with immediately and in fullest cooperation with local and federal law enforcement. Also, posting copyrighted software, music, etc. is forbidden (for example, linking MP3s of bands other than your own) as is discussion of illegal file sharing.
o Also included in this is harassment -- for example, encouraging people to call someone on the phone, flood a website/mailbox, etc because they were mentioned in a linked article. (See also "messages containing private information" below.)
• Hate speech: Criticism is not hate speech, but inflammatory comments directed at a particular ethnic group, sexual orientation, gender, religion, etc. are unacceptable and unwelcome on THE Hoover Forum. Use your head and cite sources if you’re going to make a comment.
• Messages containing only broken links or broken images: Images that do not load from their image hosts will be removed.
• Messages containing public OR private information: We are aware that most of this information can be found using Whois, or Google, or a phone book - however, posts containing personal names, contact information such as: email addresses, phone numbers, street addresses, credit card numbers, etc. are not allowed.
• Trolling/harassing other THE Hoover Forum members: Unfortunately, disagreements can and will happen - but there is no need for them to become personal. Don't harass other users with posts or parody links/threads.
o Personal attacks made by anyone including threats or any other form of directed attacks against other users will result in suspension of posting.
• Trolling/harassing THE Hoover Forum Admins and Moderators: THE Hoover Forum does not tolerate abuse of its maintainers in comments, in submitted links, or via emailing them directly. If you have an issue with a particular Admin or Moderator, THE Hoover Forum itself, or THE Hoover Forum moderation practices in general - email the administrator directly. The address is moderator at hooverforum dot com. He is always available. He may not be able to respond right away, but he will get back to you. The comments sections in the threads are not the place for airing grievances, mainly because no one person at THE Hoover Forum reads all of comments on the site. With that much going on all at once, important things can be and sometimes are overlooked. The bartender can't get your drink order right if he can't hear you.
• Off-site behavior: The short answer is WE DON'T CARE. Off-site melodrama is not our problem. However, we do care when users make it our problem by bringing drama and in-fighting on-site. Never use your THE Hoover Forum account to harass other THE Hoover Forum users. The reverse applies as well. If you've started a fight with another THE Hoover Forum user, don't expect the Moderators to become your personal bodyguards. We do not tolerate harassment of THE Hoover Forum Moderators or Admins. If you've got an issue with a particular THE Hoover Forum user or group of THE Hoover Forum users, take it outside.
o A note on email and user profiles: Email exchanges with persons other than Admins are considered off-site. By default, the email address field in THE Hoover Forum user profiles is hidden. THE Hoover Forum is neither responsible nor liable for personal/contact information that users choose to make public. Use the Private Message function to communicate. If the e-mail address is revealed by you, you’re on your own.
• Ban talk: Temporary and/or permanent actions taken by THE Hoover Forum on individual THE Hoover Forum accounts are between the user and THE Hoover Forum and should never be discussed in threads. Ban talk inevitably leads to misinformation and misunderstandings. If you have a question regarding actions taken on your account, contact the Administrator. Please note that just as THE Hoover Forum Moderators/Admins will not discuss actions taken on other users' accounts, neither should you discuss (on site or in Administrator e-mails) actions taken on other THE Hoover Forum accounts. Simply put: If it is not your account, it is not your business. This includes without limitation: discussing banned THE Hoover Forum users, campaigning for the reinstatement of banned THE Hoover Forum users, posting on behalf of banned THE Hoover Forum users, submitting links regarding bans or banned THE Hoover Forum users, or discussing other user's accounts in threads. Again: don't discuss bans, banned THE
Hoover Forum users, moderation, Moderators, Admins or anything else related to moderation in the threads.
• Attention whoring: This is a little SCOTUS-esque -- that is, we know it when we see it. This includes posting disruptively in threads that have nothing to do with you by means of; directing fellow users to your website, image gallery, or just posting your personal images etc. That is crossing the line into "attention whore" territory. We have advertising if you are looking to get attention for your website and we welcome those submissions.
• Drinking beer in public: Actually, we just wanted to make sure you were reading all of this carefully. And it depends on what kind of beer.
• Abusing the "notify moderators" option: The "notify moderators" and "notify admins" options are not toys. They are not to be used for false alarms, calling attention to THE Hoover Forum users you dislike, or absurd complaints such as "My headline was better," etc. Cry "wolf" one too many times and you lose that option.
• User profiles: All message posting rules apply to user profile content.
• Belaboring the point: Attempting to find a possible loophole for something we didn't mention here or trying to find some tricky way around the rules isn't going to work. The posting rules aren't complicated. We are not going to spell them out in legalese or cover every possible interpretation of them. This includes the "don't be a jerk" rule. We expect that you can see and understand what the spirit of each rule is. In essence, use your common sense.
The following types of non-message-posting actions will get you banned from THE Hoover Forum immediately:
• Attempting to hack, flood, DoS, crack passwords, or otherwise compromise THE Hoover Forum system security, or the security of any site mentioned/linked via THE Hoover Forum. Logfiles will be sent to the appropriate ISPs and law enforcement immediately.
• Stealing or guessing other people's passwords, giving or loaning your password to other users, or otherwise using or sharing accounts that aren't yours. This includes attempting to create extra accounts or using someone else's account to evade bans. That last one bears repeating - if you create another account while your account is suspended, your new account will be locked and you may be subjected to a longer or even permanent posting ban.
• Spamming. Worth mentioning twice. This includes spamming us with link submissions.
Word Filters - The forum has word filters in place. These filters take certain words and re-write them. Most profanity is filtered and changed. Other words are also change at the discretion of the administrator. These are words that we feel are not appropriate for the forum.
User Names - Forum user names cannot contain the name (first or last) of any living person that may be a public figure without the Administrator's permission. For example: Bush_Fan is out.
We are not responsible for content located on outside links. Click on the link at your own risk.
THE Hoover Forum is provided at no charge to its members as a community service. THE Hoover Forum administrators have chosen not to identify themselves. In the event that a member goes public with THE Hoover Forum administrators/owners/web masters/hosting providers without the express written consent of THE Hoover Forum administrators/owners/web masters/hosting providers (regardless of whether or not the member has identified the administrators/owners/web masters/hosting providers correctly or not), that member will be subject to damages no less than $5,000 USD, plus attorney fees. By being a member of THE Hoover Forum and agreeing to this Registration Agreement and by posting on THE Hoover Forum, the member agrees to this and the amount shall be payable to THE Hoover Forum's law firm within 10 business days of the breech.
These rules are subject to change at any time and you agree to be bound to them at time of addition. We are not required, nor will we, notify you in the event that a rule changes, is added or updated. It is your responsibility to check the rules often.
Taunting - Creating multiple screen names (SN) in order to taunt, demean, harass, insult, troll, or behave in any other hostile behavior will result in deletion of both accounts, in addition to banning of the user's IP address from THE Hoover Forum. Administrators have the capability of seeing the user's IP addresses. When a thread contains the same IP address from two different users it indicates that one user is utilizing multiple SNs. When this practice is used in a hostile manner it creates an unfavorable environment on the forum, which will not be tolerated.
Using Private Messaging (PM) to bully. If a member finds they are being harassed, bullied, taunted via the Private Messaging system, they can send an e-mail to or a PM to admin stating who is sending the PMs and the offending user will be warned. Should it occur a second time, regardless of the who is being bullied, the member doing the bullying will be banned from the forum.
Latest Revisions are in blue font.
Last Revision: 11/04/09